Frequently asked questions.
Why is it called a Healing Bowl?
We call our copper and enamel ‘healing bowls’ due to the immersive experience in the making process. Our healing bowl service is a form of meditative mindfulness, and we hope that during the making process, you feel a sense of connection to a state of inner peace.
What is a Talisman?
A talisman is any object with magical powers intended to protect or heal the individuals for whom they are made. On our make your own Talisman course, you will learn how to file, saw pierce, enamel and solder, and you will leave with your healing accessory.
How many people per class?
We only can teach a maximum of 4 people per class. We are looking to be able to grow this in the future.
Do you teach children?
Yes, if they are accompanied by an adult.
What does More Than Profit® Mean?
A term coined by Social Enterprise, The Circle, More Than Profit® business aims to use its profits to fund positive social change.
What does Pay it Forward mean?
The simplest way to define “pay it forward” is that when someone does something for you, instead of paying that person back directly, you pass it on to another person instead.